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"Never has it been more necessary to build a new justice center than it is right now. The COVID-19 health crisis has overwhelmed our jails ability to safely house those who are incarcerated. For more than 20 years we have been housing inmates in other county jails, at a great cost to taxpayers. During COVID-19, those jails quit taking our inmates. We have been forced to isolate inmates together. The new facility will give us far greater ability to keep our staff and incarcerated individuals safe and healthy. It will also keep our tax dollars working right here in Trempealeau County."
Sheriff Brett Semingson
"The jail is old and antiquated and doesn’t meet the needs of the inmates, staff or the public. There is limited opportunity to provide programming, education, and proper inmate classification. The facility also presents many classification and security issues that can't be properly addressed due to the limitations of the current building."
​ Brad Hoover, Detention Facilities Specialist - Wisconsin Dept. of Corrections
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